Bodyweight Workout

 As social distancing remains a reality for all of us, I'm continuing to share free at-home workouts each week, to support you in carving out some me time and stepping up the good energy you need to get through some of the challenges of our current climate and feel good! I know even 15-20 minutes of movement makes a world of difference for me.
I did this one for the first time last week with my husband, Clay, and I knew I wanted to share it with you! It's all bodyweight movements, so you can do it wherever you have the space. All you need is about 20 minutes of your time to get your daily, healthy dose of endorphins!
📩 Download your free workout template for this one under FREE STUFF, to keep track of your progress.
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“Me Against Me” a workout where you can be accountable to yourself, no weights needed! FREE downloadable workout template via the link in my bio 🙌🏽 Pretty please save this workout and leave me a little comment below. I appreciate your support so much you guys! 💞 📲 Swipe across to watch the Coaches Corner Chat if you have any questions or there’s any confusion. I love this format of workout because if its just me in the home gym, I stay accountable to myself and push myself to beat my last score. Aim for consistency over the 6 attempts. Not going to lie this one made me feel a little queasy and boy did my legs scream at me! Here ya go!
 6 Attempts- 2 Minutes: 50 Skips 7 Burpees 14 Squats + for the remaining time, attempt as many plyo lunges as possible. 1 Minute Rest When 2 minutes is up, record the number of lunges you completed, and rest 1 full minute before starting from the beginning. The purpose is to try and beat or stay close to the number of lunges you achieved each attempt. Complete 6 Rounds, resting 1 minute between each round. If you are beginner, please do on the spot lunges instead of plyo lunges. Also dont know if I need to mention this but I didnt film the skips… cause… its skipping but I hope thats okay. Gooooood luck *Insert evil laugh here*

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Thank you to all those who have let me know when you’ve done one of my workouts! I know so well how a workout can shift your state of mind, minimise anxiety and help you feel good, so I am incredibly grateful for being able to continue to provide a source of release for you through my platform!💗
As always, if you have any questions, just comment below or post in the Facebook Group. Also please let me know what kind of home workouts you’d like to see as I’ll be filming every week during isolation.

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